Jam Buns (果占賓)

Flour                   200 g
Baking powder           2 level tsp.
Jam                     1-2 tbsp
Butter                  60 g
Sugar                   60 g
Egg                     1 no.

Method: 1. Sieve flour, salt, and baking powder together. 2. Rub fat into flour until no lumps of fat are left and the mixture is of bread crumb consistency. 3. Add sugar. 4. Add sufficient beaten egg to give a stiff dry consistency. 5. Form mixture into a roll on a lightly floured board. Divide into small pieces. 6. Lightly roll each piece into a ball and flatten slightly. 7. Make a hole in the top of each and put in 1/2 tsp. jam. Place cakes on a greased baking tray. 8. Bake a third of the way down reg.7 or 220oC (425oF) for 10-15 minutes.

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